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Photoshop Transparent PNG Layers for NFT Collection

Photoshop Transparent PNG Layers for NFT Collection

Today in this tutorial, you will learn how to export layers from adobe photoshop. You can use these layers to generate an unlimited NFT collection. Also, you will know how to calculate the number of NFTs you can get from your layers. Create NFT Layers for Auto Generate Usually, when you export an image from […]

How to Setup RDP Google Cloud Platform Ubuntu Desktop (VIDEO)

How to Setup RDP Google Cloud Platform Ubuntu Desktop (VIDEO)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up desktop environment and get Remote Desktop connection for RDP google cloud platform virtual machine. You want to know how to get RDP GCP cloud console access via Turbo VNC Viewer (a rdp client) and it’s set up process. Watch the previous video down below. This […]

Free Bitnami WordPress Hosting USA LAMP Stack on Docker (VIDEO)

Free Bitnami WordPress Hosting USA LAMP Stack on Docker (VIDEO)

You would be looking for a solution to host WordPress on a lifetime free hosting server. In this video, I’ll explain how to install WordPress on any cloud platform using their free tiers. You do not need advanced knowledge about coding or WordPress to do this. If you are a beginner, don’t worry follow the […]

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