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Installing Kali Linux for Virtual Machine & xfce Kali RDP

Installing Kali Linux for Virtual Machine & xfce Kali RDP

Kali Linux is a Linux distribution based on Debian that is developed for digital forensics and penetration testing. Kali Linux is a highly flexible and efficient operating system based on the Linux kernel and several other major open-source software packages. It’s a strong penetration testing platform that’s also perfect for security auditing, reverse engineering, and […]

How to Make Money Selling Digital Downloads on Etsy! (Step by Step)

How to Make Money Selling Digital Downloads on Etsy! (Step by Step)

There are countless reasons to sell digital downloads on Etsy. Some sellers sell downloads as a way to make extra money, while others use digital downloads as a way to promote their handmade items. Whatever your reasons for selling digital downloads, there are a few things you need to know before getting started. First, you’ll […]

How to Generate 10,000+ NFTs In 5 Minutes (No Code)

How to Generate 10,000+ NFTs In 5 Minutes (No Code)

This video tutorial will look at a simple way to generate 10,000+ NFT collections in 5 minutes. We will be using a tool called “Mintables” to do this. The service is free and easy to use, and it has many benefits. It is a free web app that allows you to create an infinite number […]

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