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Kali Linux for Beginners: An Introduction to Kali Linux OS

Kali Linux for Beginners: An Introduction to Kali Linux OS

Kali Linux is an open-source project that was founded by Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns. Their goal was to create a complete digital forensics platform that would be easy to use for security professionals, while still being powerful enough for advanced tasks. Kali Linux has grown into one of the most popular penetrating distributions in […]

How to Make a Minecraft Server Hosting Free on VPS (VIDEO)

How to Make a Minecraft Server Hosting Free on VPS (VIDEO)

Hello, this is a complete tutorial about how to create your own Minecraft server using 100% free VPS. If you are a beginner no worries, you able to set up this server. You don’t have to have a piece of knowledge about coding. Please, follow the steps correctly. All the codes and guidelines are in […]

Scan Website for Malware | Free WordPress Malware Removal Plugin

Scan Website for Malware | Free WordPress Malware Removal Plugin

Every second, your website is attacked by hackers or has malware inserted into it. If you think your site is infected with malware, you should watch this video to the end. Here we are going to show you how to identify the infected sites and remove them. Also, keep your site safe from attackers. How […]

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