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Where to Buy PHP Scripts in 2023 – Top 5 PHP Script Marketplaces (CodeCanyon Alternatives)

Where to Buy PHP Scripts in 2023 – Top 5 PHP Script Marketplaces (CodeCanyon Alternatives)

Hey everyone! Welcome back. Today I want to share my top 5 favorite marketplaces for buying PHP scripts and code. As a web developer, I’m always on the lookout for quality PHP scripts that can save me time and help me build sites faster. So, let’s go to the video/ article. #01 CodeCanyon First up […]

Create 24/7 YouTube Online Radio Broadcast with FFmpeg and Azuracast Web Radio Application (VIDEO)

Create 24/7 YouTube Online Radio Broadcast with FFmpeg and Azuracast Web Radio Application (VIDEO)

In this article, I will show you how to host your own 24 hours free online radio station (web radio station) using a completely free open-source application and how to live stream the radio station to YouTube. For that, I use the Azuracast online program. It is self-hosted and absolutely free. It has a number […]

Easiest Way to Transfer WordPress Site to New Host (VIDEO)

Easiest Way to Transfer WordPress Site to New Host (VIDEO)

Hello, do you want to change your hosting provider without losing your content and SEO rank? Keep reading this video. Migration of WordPress site to another hosting is a big challenge. If you trying to do it manually, you have to migrate both WordPress content and MySQL database. In this video, I will show you, […]

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