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Installing Kali Linux for Virtual Machine & xfce Kali RDP

Installing Kali Linux for Virtual Machine & xfce Kali RDP

Kali Linux is a Linux distribution based on Debian that is developed for digital forensics and penetration testing. Kali Linux is a highly flexible and efficient operating system based on the Linux kernel and several other major open-source software packages. It’s a strong penetration testing platform that’s also perfect for security auditing, reverse engineering, and […]

How to Accept Credit Card Payments Online without Stripe | WordPress Ecommerce

How to Accept Credit Card Payments Online without Stripe | WordPress Ecommerce

Do you know how to accept credit card payments on your WordPress eCommerce store? You don’t have to Stripe for it, PayPal is more than enough! Buyers can directly buy on your site without redirect to the PayPal payment checkout page. They just have to enter their card details and shipping address on the product […]

Easiest Way to Transfer WordPress Site to New Host (VIDEO)

Easiest Way to Transfer WordPress Site to New Host (VIDEO)

Hello, do you want to change your hosting provider without losing your content and SEO rank? Keep reading this video. Migration of WordPress site to another hosting is a big challenge. If you trying to do it manually, you have to migrate both WordPress content and MySQL database. In this video, I will show you, […]

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