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How to Add One-Click Login With Google in WordPress

How to Add One-Click Login With Google in WordPress

Hey there, welcome back to our channel! Today, we have an exciting tutorial for you. We’ll be showing you how to add a super convenient one-click login with Google in WordPress. By implementing this feature, your users will be able to sign in with their Google accounts, they don’t need to create or remember passwords […]

Free Email Marketing – Create SMTP Linux Mail Server (VIDEO)

Free Email Marketing – Create SMTP Linux Mail Server (VIDEO)

This is a complete tutorial about setting up an SMTP server on CyberPanel for free. This is a Linux mail server that can be used to run free email marketing campaigns. You are able to send or receive unlimited emails using this mail server. The emails sent by this server are not going to the […]

How to Install Ubuntu on Windows 11 (WSL) | Step-by-Step | Linux Tutorial

How to Install Ubuntu on Windows 11 (WSL) | Step-by-Step | Linux Tutorial

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) allows you to install and run Linux distributions directly within Windows. This provides a powerful bridge between the Microsoft and Linux worlds without dual booting or virtual machines. In this video, I’m going to show you how to install Ubuntu, the popular Linux distribution, on Windows 11 using the Windows […]

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