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CyberPanel Install for Free Web Hosting – cPanel Alternative

CyberPanel Install for Free Web Hosting – cPanel Alternative

Do you look for the best free alternative to cPanel? In this tutorial, you will learn how to install this free cPanel alternative on Oracle cloud-free VM instance. CyberPanel is much better than Virtualmin which is another free alternative to cPanel. The big problems of the Virtualmin are complexity, hard to use and there is […]

7 Proven Ways to Increase Website Traffic (Fast)

7 Proven Ways to Increase Website Traffic (Fast)

There are many ways to increase website traffic, but this article is going to show you some of the best ways to increase website traffic. By increasing your website traffic you can increase the revenue from your website as well. We can talk about income sources in another video. Let’s talk about 7 Proven Ways […]

Your Own SMTP Server on Ubuntu | Send Free Unlimited Emails

Your Own SMTP Server on Ubuntu | Send Free Unlimited Emails

You can send unlimited emails using this free SMTP mail server. I use Virtualmin’s web-based control panel to host a free SMTP server on the Oracle cloud. Virtualmin is an open-source control panel, and Oracle Cloud provides free VPS for this server. All commands and guidelines are provided, so you don’t have to enter them […]

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