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How to Install WordPress without cPanel | Free Web Hosting (VIDEO)

How to Install WordPress without cPanel | Free Web Hosting (VIDEO)

Welcome to the Minex. In the last video, we host the best cPanel free alternative, Virtualmin and Webmin co-installation on the Google Cloud Platform. Today, I demonstrate how to use this control panel for free WordPress web hosting with all the features of cpanel hosting. Before you follow this guide, I recommend watching this video. […]

10 Best Blogging Platforms to Make Money Every Day! – Free Sites

10 Best Blogging Platforms to Make Money Every Day! – Free Sites

Many different blogging platforms allow you to make money online. Each has its own set of features and benefits, so it’s important to choose the right one for your blog. Blogging platforms can be divided into two main categories: paid and free. Paid platforms require you to pay a monthly fee to have access to […]

Facebook Social Login for WordPress: How to Set Up Nextend Plugin and Boost User Engagement

Facebook Social Login for WordPress: How to Set Up Nextend Plugin and Boost User Engagement

Hi there, and welcome to this tutorial on setting up Facebook social login on your WordPress website. This feature provides a convenient and secure way for users to log in with a single click rather than filling out multiple forms, which can increase user engagement and retention. In this video, I’ll show you all the […]

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