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Transcribe Videos File to Text – YouTube Subtitles Download

Transcribe Videos File to Text – YouTube Subtitles Download

Do you look for a way to transcribe videos to text or articles? This is a one-way and easy way to do it. Using this method, you can also get video transcriptions of any YouTube video. You don’t have to pay for any video transcription services anymore. You can add this video transcribe to a […]

How to Get Tumblr API Key In Just 5 Minutes! Automate your Tumblr

How to Get Tumblr API Key In Just 5 Minutes! Automate your Tumblr

As you all know, Tumblr is a popular microblogging and social networking platform where you can share anything. Post content from your mobile or desktop, including text, images, quotes, links, music, and videos. In this short video, we are going to show you how you can quickly get your Tumblr API key. What is Tumblr […]

Minecraft Server Hosting Connection Error Fix Solutions (Video)

Minecraft Server Hosting Connection Error Fix Solutions (Video)

Hello, in this tutorial I give 3 solutions for Minecraft server hosting connection errors. You may encounter these problems when you try to connect your Minecraft server remotely. Sometimes, you got invalid user errors also.  There are few possible reasons for this. Before we go to the solution, if you want a free Minecraft server. […]

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