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How to Create Swap File in Linux Virtual Machine for Add Memory / RAM Size of VPS (VIDEO)

How to Create Swap File in Linux Virtual Machine for Add Memory / RAM Size of VPS (VIDEO)

Hello, in this tutorial, you will learn how to increase the memory of your VPS (Linux virtual machine) or your ...

Installing Kali Linux for Virtual Machine & xfce Kali RDP

Installing Kali Linux for Virtual Machine & xfce Kali RDP

Kali Linux is a Linux distribution based on Debian that is developed for digital forensics and penetration testing. Kali Linux ...

Scan Website for Malware | Free WordPress Malware Removal Plugin

Scan Website for Malware | Free WordPress Malware Removal Plugin

Every second, your website is attacked by hackers or has malware inserted into it. If you think your site is ...

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