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Sell Digital Products & Services on WordPress: WooCommerce Alternative

Sell Digital Products & Services on WordPress: WooCommerce Alternative

Hey everyone! Today, we’re diving into the world of WordPress eCommerce. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for a lightweight WooCommerce alternative that lets you sell digital products, and services, and even set up subscriptions. The best thing is you can customize the checkout page. We’ll walk through the step-by-step installation and setup […]

How to Stop Spam Comments on WordPress? – Free & Super Easy!

How to Stop Spam Comments on WordPress? – Free & Super Easy!

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to stop spam comments on your WordPress blog will vary depending on the type of spam comment, the WordPress blog itself, and your spam-fighting strategy. However, the best option is to use a spam-fighting plugin that automatically detects and removes spam comments. The […]

Facebook Domain Verification – Brand Safety Business Manager Verify URL

Facebook Domain Verification – Brand Safety Business Manager Verify URL

Today, you will learn how to verify a domain on Facebook. This is very important to prevent suspending the domain inside the Facebook platform and Instagram. Also if you run an online store like Woocommerce or Shopify, by using this brand verification method, you will be able to add your products directly on Facebook and […]

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