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Transcribe Videos File to Text – YouTube Subtitles Download

Do you look for a way to transcribe videos to text or articles? This is a one-way and easy way to do it. Using this method, you can also get video transcriptions of any YouTube video. You don’t have to pay for any video transcription services anymore. You can add this video transcribe to a […]

Accept Credit Card Payments on WooCommerce with PayPal Advanced Checkout | No Redirect

Hey everyone, welcome back to Minex! In this video, I’m going to show you how to accept credit card payments directly on your WooCommerce store using PayPal Advanced Checkout. The great thing about PayPal Advanced Checkout is that it allows you to accept card payments seamlessly without customers getting redirected away to the PayPal website. […]

Installing Kali Linux for Virtual Machine & xfce Kali RDP

Kali Linux is a Linux distribution based on Debian that is developed for digital forensics and penetration testing. Kali Linux is a highly flexible and efficient operating system based on the Linux kernel and several other major open-source software packages. It’s a strong penetration testing platform that’s also perfect for security auditing, reverse engineering, and […]

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