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How to Accept Credit Card Payments Online without Stripe | WordPress Ecommerce

How to Accept Credit Card Payments Online without Stripe | WordPress Ecommerce

Do you know how to accept credit card payments on your WordPress eCommerce store? You don’t have to Stripe for it, PayPal is more than enough! Buyers can directly buy on your site without redirect to the PayPal payment checkout page. They just have to enter their card details and shipping address on the product […]

How to Create a 24/7 Live Stream on YouTube – A Complete 2024 Guide

How to Create a 24/7 Live Stream on YouTube – A Complete 2024 Guide

Do you want to broadcast long-form content on YouTube nonstop without needing to keep your computer on all the time? Setting up an automated 24/7 live stream allows you to have an always-on channel that plays videos on loop. In this blog post, we’ll cover step-by-step on how to create a 24/7 live stream on […]

Your Own SMTP Server on Ubuntu | Send Free Unlimited Emails

Your Own SMTP Server on Ubuntu | Send Free Unlimited Emails

You can send unlimited emails using this free SMTP mail server. I use Virtualmin’s web-based control panel to host a free SMTP server on the Oracle cloud. Virtualmin is an open-source control panel, and Oracle Cloud provides free VPS for this server. All commands and guidelines are provided, so you don’t have to enter them […]

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