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How to Create Swap File in Linux Virtual Machine for Add Memory / RAM Size of VPS (VIDEO)

How to Create Swap File in Linux Virtual Machine for Add Memory / RAM Size of VPS (VIDEO)

Hello, in this tutorial, you will learn how to increase the memory of your VPS (Linux virtual machine) or your WordPress site. You can add a swap file for VM instance to increase memory. If you want to know to get free VPS, check the VPS and Mining Playlist of the channel. Open the terminal […]

How to Install PHP Scripts in cPanel or VPS in 5 Minutes – Complete Tutorial

How to Install PHP Scripts in cPanel or VPS in 5 Minutes – Complete Tutorial

Hey everyone! Welcome back. In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to easily install PHP scripts in cPanel or on a VPS. Installing PHP web scripts allows you to host any type of customized website or web app, such as SaaS applications. Whether you want to install a forum, URL shortener, video hosting […]

How to Setup RDP Google Cloud Platform Ubuntu Desktop (VIDEO)

How to Setup RDP Google Cloud Platform Ubuntu Desktop (VIDEO)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up desktop environment and get Remote Desktop connection for RDP google cloud platform virtual machine. You want to know how to get RDP GCP cloud console access via Turbo VNC Viewer (a rdp client) and it’s set up process. Watch the previous video down below. This […]

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